If you have been injured as the result of an accident, suffered an illness due to clinical or medical negligence or been injured at work, you may be entitled to claim compensation. Physical and/or emotional harm of a person due to an accident through no fault of their own can prove to be stressfull, especially if you need to take time off from work to recover from your injuries and suffer loss of earnings.
We are here to help lessen this stress and will deal with all aspects of your claim including claiming compensation for your damages, loss of earnings and any associated loss attributed to your injury. Whether you want to make a claim for personal injury, road traffic accident, work related illness, medical negligence or any kind of serious injury, our professional and dedicated team at M&S Law can help you to claim compensation for your injury.
Our “No Win No Fee” service gives you great relief from any upfront fees and in the unlikely event of your claim being unsuccessful, you will not be charged any thing at all. We work closely with our clients and inform them regarding each step of the claim process. We provide a range of injury claim services throughout the country including Blackburn, East London, West London, North London, Birmingham, Manchester, Leeds, Leicester, and Bolton. Don’t know what to do or how to proceed? Our team will provide free legal advice with no obligation of using our services. Get in contact with us on 01254 40 40 55 for a hassle free service.