Buying or selling a house?
Buying or selling a property can be a very stressful time for most of us.
If you would like to buy or sell any property within England and Wales our residential conveyancing solicitors can provide you with a reliable and friendly service.
Our residential conveyancing services
We provide nationwide coverage and the following are just some of the areas of residential conveyancing we cover:
Residential property sales
Residential property purchases
Leasehold property sales
Leasehold property purchases
Acting for mortgage lenders on purchase files
Remortgages for residential property matters
Remortgage/loans on Commercial property and Buildings
Transfer of Equity residential
New Build property purchase matters
Equity release matters
Commercial property sales
Commercial property purchases
Cost on a Conveyancing Transaction
Legal Costs are based on a fixed fee as per the quotations provided.
The fees are based on the value of the property to be sold or purchased or remortgaged.
For further information on legal fees please see the firm’s fixed legal fees and disbursements shown on the website.
You can also see our firm’s list fixed additional fees for any additional work the firm may be asked to carry out when dealing with any conveyancing transaction.
List of Fixed Conveyancing Legal Fees and disbursements:
Please see below the list of our legal fees for sales and purchase matters.
The conveyancing department work on a fixed fee basis and the work will will start once the Quote that you receive is accepted.
All our fees are subject to VAT that is 20%
Telegraphic Transfer fee £35.00 plus vat = £42.00
Please be aware that this fee payment is for any payment made on completion to the client, solicitors, lenders and any other third party connected to sale, purchase or remortgage.
General Disbursements for all matters and this includes Remortgages
How Long will my Sale/purchase /remortgage take?
This will depend on a number of factors including third parties such as search providers, mortgage lenders and whether you are in a chain or not. The average sale or purchase process takes between 8 -16 weeks.
A re-mortgage typically takes 4-8 weeks to complete.
Residential Purchase Key Stages*
The Precise Stages involved in the purchase of a residential conveyancing purchase vary as there are different types of purchases that we deal with.
We deal with purchases of Freehold title, Leasehold title, Transfer of part of land and New Build Properties:
Comments on Timescales – purchase files are taking between 8-16 weeks for completion these timescales will vary based on the position of the sellers and if there is more than one solicitors i.e there is a chain involved ( this means that there are other parties connected)
Purchase property Key Stages
- Take clients initial instructions
- Send out client care documentation will all initial paperwork
- ID and proof of funds on file check on clients sending electronic ID and source of funds check to the client for compliance
- Search funds request to Info Track
- Title contract pack in from sellers solicitors
- Send Protocol forms to the client to be checked
- Investigate title and raise initial enquiries
- If the property is leasehold and is a flat we will raise enquiries on the management pack information provided
- Request searches
- Mortgage offer checks on rules
- Report on Mortgage offer and send mortgage deed to the client to be executed and witnessed
- Search results check /further enquiries on the searches if necessary
- Search report to be prepared to send to the client
- When replies are back on title we report to the client on the title and advise the client
- Report on title to be prepared and sent to the client this is for Freehold and Leasehold title
- Send contract plan and Transfer Deed to the client for signing
- Set a completion date
- Lawyer checker for sellers solicitors to be checked
- Obtain funds from client for balance due
- If there is a mortgage request funds from the lender
- Obtain authority to exchange
- Exchange the contract and verify the sellers solicitors banking information for compliance
- Send letter to client on exchange and sellers solicitors
- Completion
- Send completion letter to client and sellers solicitors
- Invoice the client (receipted) copy sent to the client
- If the property Is subject to ground rent we send the notice to the Freeholder on completion that the client is the new owner
- Send SDLT return to HMRC
- Receive documentation in from sellers solicitors for land registry purposes
- Make application to register the title
- Once completion of registration is back send title copy to client and lender if applicable
Key Stages for a Sale Conveyancing Transaction
Comments on Timescales Please be aware that a sale of a property can take between 8- 16 weeks this is dependent on the buyers and if there are other parties connected ( this means if there is a chain of solicitors and clients involved)
Send client care letter with Questionnaire and Protocol forms to complete
- ID check for the clients ECOS electronic checks and AML Check done
- Send contract pack to the buyers solicitors
- Request Redemption Figure from lender if there is a mortgage on the title
- Receive title enquiries and send to the client for replies
- Reply to the buyers solicitors with clients replies and any other certificates of information
- Deal with any request for missing documentation with allowance/policy
- Send documentation to the client for signing, Transfer, Contract and plan
- On receipt of the documentation request date for completion
- Obtain a new redemption request
- If the property is a sale of flat obtain up to date service charges statement and deal with apportionments
- Obtain an up to date ground rent receipt for payment of ground rent
- Take clients authority to exchange the contract
- Exchange the contract date is set for completion
- Send letter to the client and the buyers solicitors confirming exchange of contracts
- Request estate agents invoice
- Send draft completion statement to the client for approval
- Request banking verification from the client to send funds on completion
- Completion date set
- Send completion letter to the buyers solicitors with signed documentation
- Send completion letter to the sellers
- Send confirmation to lender that redemption has been paid
- Pay the estate agents
- Sale proceeds sent to the client
- Invoice receipted sent to the client
- When confirmation from the lender comes in redemption paid send to buyers solicitors and request release of any undertaking
Key Stages Acting for a Remortgages and Transfer of Equity Conveyancing Matters
Comments on Timescales: A remortgage can take between 4-8 weeks dependent on the lenders legal requirements and conditions: Remortgage
- Take clients instructions and send client care and questionnaire to client
- Obtain AML and electronic ID checks for the client for compliance
- Review the file and obtain up to date title for the property
- If this is a Transfer of names and remortgage obtain consent from lender
- Obtain a copy of the lease if Leasehold
- Check existing title if there is a current lender request a redemption figure
- Check with the client no breaches on the lease
- Mortgage offer received check lenders rules
- Report to the client on the Mortgage and send Mortgage deed
- If the property is leasehold obtain notice fees for the landlord as to the change on the title
- If the property is as buy to let request copy of the tenancy agreement
- Obtain indemnity policy for no searches to be activated on completion
- Request bank statement from the client and verify the banking information
- Copy of Buildings insurance request
- When signed Mortgage deed is returned we request the funds from the lender
- Set the date for remortgage completion
- Send letter to the client on completion of the remortgage
- Redeem existing mortgage if applicable
- Pay any notice fees
- Bill the client and receipt
- Send the net amount of the remortgage to the client as per their instructions
- If this is a company remortgage carry out insolvency check
- Register the charge at companies house
- Application to register the new charge sent to the Land registry
- Sending closing letter to the client with copy of new amended title to show new charge
- Letter /email to the lender to confirm the registration of the new charge
Key Stages Transfer of Equity for conveyancing
- Take clients instructions and send client care
- On receipt of the signed client care
- ID checks carried out
- Copy of title received
- Check if there is a mortgage on the title if there is we get consent from the lender and advise the client to check this also
- Transfer deed prepared
- Request evidence of change of name if applicable i.e Marriage Certificate
- If one person coming off the title we send letter to them to advise them to take independent legal advice
- Send ID1 form and Transfer to person coming off the title or going on the title dependent on instructions
- Send Transfer to the client for signing
- On receipt of the transfer we apply to the Land registry to register the title and make the change to the register
- Invoice the client
- Send the client amended title once completion has taken place
- Send closing letter
Meet the Team
Fee Earners
Mohammad Mulla is a director of M&S Law. A graduate of the University of Manchester Metropolitan. Mohammad is the Compliance Officer for Legal Practice and for Finance and Administration. Mohammad was admitted as a solicitor over 10 years ago, Mohammad has specialised in recent years in Litigation and also in the Conveyancing Department.
Alison Greenwood is the Head of our Conveyancing Department. Alison is vastly experienced, having worked in conveyancing for over 20 years and having for over 18 years been qualified as (F.CILE.x) – Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Legal Executives.
Jade Hartley is a graduate of the University of Central Lancashire and was admitted as a solicitor in 2016, since which time Jade has undertaken large numbers of conveyancing transactions and has also specialised in dealing with Wills, Probate and Trust matters.
Paralegal and Support for the Team
Lauren Daly has recently joined the conveyancing department and has worked within the firm for the last 4 years. She is now acting as a support worker within the Conveyancing Department.
Aqsa Mallu is a trainee in our Conveyancing Department, having obtained a LLB degree at the University of Lancaster.